Embodied sensor technology for emotion regulation

    Activity: Talk or presentationOral presentation


    Most therapies in mental healthcare aimed at emotion, self, stress or aggression regulation emphasize the importance of being able to feel your own physiological state. To some (limited) extent biofeedback is already used for this, but when it is offered it occurs at a table in a static controlled environment. Unfortunately, the challenges of life come unexpectedly, away from a safe environment and often require a direct, adequate response. For these situations people should also remember to take into account their bodily state when they are reacting. However, who knows the state of their own autonomic nervous system in a challenging emotional situation? In this presentation the Sense-IT platform will be introduced, which has been developed together with patients with Borderline Personality Disorder. It allows for continuous, personalized, ambulatory heart rate biofeedback (corrected for movement) on any Android smartwatch. This compassionate technology will be explained and some of the projects in mental healthcare (surrounding emotion and aggression regulation) in which the Sense-IT will be integrated will be highlighted. Finally the possibilities of connecting or timing compassion focused therapy techniques with the Sense-IT will be discussed.
    Period9 Oct 2019
    Event titleCompassionate Mind Foundation's 8th International Conference 2019: The Compassionate Mind in its Social Context: From the Body to the Social World
    Event typeConference
    Conference number8
    LocationEdinburgh, United KingdomShow on map
    Degree of RecognitionInternational