Minimal Invasive Extracorporeal Circulation for Aortic Valve Surgery: Is Downsizing Enough?

Activity: Talk or presentationInvited talk


Minimal invasive ECC (MiECC) was developed in the 1990s to reduce systemic effects of extracorporeal circulation. Main goals are to reduce air–blood contact, and a systemic inflammatory response. Although blood loss was reduced in MiECC for aortic valve surgery patients in small studies, equipoise was obtained for safety endpoints.

In a randomised controlled trial, we included 128 patients undergoing isolated aortic valve replacement. Blood loss was our primary endpoint. MiECC had a significant lower blood loss of 230 mL, compared to advanced conventional extracorporeal circulation of 288 mL. MiECC preserved haemoglobin levels at 1 hour and 12 hours after surgery (see figure). No difference was found in major adverse cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events, nor other clinical endpoints.

A small advantage in blood loss reduction was obtained between two advanced extracorporeal circulation systems. Centres without MiECC can benefit from modular improvements, but a joint effort of circuit optimization and motivated team is pivotal to switch to a modern extracorporeal circulation.
Period26 Nov 2021
Event titleBelgian Society of Extracorporeal Technology 17th International Symposium on Perfusion, BelSECT 2021: The Nexus Between Perfusion Practice and Science
Event typeConference
Conference number17
LocationBrussels, BelgiumShow on map
Degree of RecognitionInternational