Activity: Talk or presentation › Oral presentation
As we know that to maintain the dignity and trust in healthcare, and to counter the related ethical issues such as biased decision making, unwanted disclosures and Inaccuracies, the responsible data science is the need of the hour. But for privacy preserving Big data analytics BDA, the concerned authorities encounter the problem of Privacy Utility Tradeoff. Privacy-Utility-Tradeoff (PUT) is the performance impairment of data utility in ensuring data privacy . The Privacy utility tradeoff affects each phase including big data collection, metadata formulation, its storage, and resharing amongst enterprises. This Ph.D. research work aims to perform the normative and empirical evaluation of Privacy Utility Tradeoff in metadata share landscape at inter and intra organizational level. For clarity, the problem area is segregated into four fundamental dimensions with respective objectives.
1 Jul 2021
Event title
33rd International Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, CAiSE 2021: Doctoral Consortium