Ultramicroscopy (Journal)

  • Liangyong Chu (Editor)

    Activity: Publication peer-review and editorial workPublication Peer-review


    We calibrate the lateral mode AFM (LFM) by determining the position-sensitive photodetector (PSPD) signal dependency on the lateral tip displacement, which is analogous to the constant-compliance region in normal-force calibration. By stick-slip on stiff, amorphous surfaces (silica or glass), the lateral tip displacement is determined accurately using the feedback loop control of AFM system. The sufficiently high contact stiffness between the Si AFM tip and stiff, amorphous surfaces substantially reduces the error of PSPD signal dependency on the lateral tip displacement. No damage or modification of the AFM probe is involved and only a clean silicon or glass wafer is needed.
    Period24 May 2019
    Type of journalJournal