Data of manuscript Blood-perfused Vessels-on-Chips stimulated with patient plasma recapitulate endothelial activation and microthrombosis in COVID-19

  • Huub Weener (Creator)
  • Thijs van Haaps (Creator)
  • Ruben van Helden (Creator)
  • Hugo Albers (Creator)
  • Rozemarijn Haverkate (Creator)
  • Heleen H.T. Middelkamp (Creator)
  • Milan Ridderikhof (Creator)
  • Thijs van Mens (Creator)
  • Albert van den Berg (Creator)
  • Christine Mummery (Creator)



This dataset contains the data for the manuscript "Blood-perfused Vessels-on-Chips stimulated with patient plasma recapitulate endothelial activation and microthrombosis in COVID-19", to be published. Within the data are multiple sets:clinical data from included patients and controls; including admission time in hospital, diagnostic measurements when first included, outcome of admission, and VTE status during admissionCytokine ELISAs of IL-6, IL-10, TNF-a, IFN-y, CXCL-10, measured in the derived plasma of hospitalized patientsRaw reads of RNA sequencing of hiPSC derived endothelial cells, after cells were stimulated with diluted patient plasma overnight to induce changes in their phenotypeRaw pathogen counts based on said RNA sequencing data, where non-human RNA reads are quantified per samplePlatelet coverage data after hiPSC-ECs were stimulated with derived plasma on-chip, where the stimulated chips were perfused with human whole blood to recapitulate the thrombotic adverse events that occur in some COVID patients.
Date made available17 Sept 2024
Publisher4TU.Centre for Research Data
Temporal coverage1 Jan 2021 - 20 May 2021

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