This dataset contains the data from the identification, screening, and selection of the papers for a Systematic Mapping Study (SMS) into the Coverage of Complexity Viewpoints, Drivers, and Challenges in the context of Systems Engineering and Engineering Design. These three items are defined in the main publication. It also contains the coding scheme and the code-document analysis reports in detail.o Content: 13 files: a) Identification, screening, and selection of papers --> Since the SMS included six parallel literature searches, there are six individual files for identifying, screening, and selecting the publications for each solution direction covering the first five steps in the process, which are: 1) finding papers in databases, 2) removing duplicates, 3) inspect title, 4) inspect abstract, and 5) determine accessibility and scan full text. The following six files corresponding to the six solution directions we explored are as follows (the five tabs in each file correspond to the aforementioned five steps): 1. DSM_Identification and Screening_Steps 1 To 5.xlsx 2. Model_Identification and Screening_Steps 1 To 5.xlsx 3. Knowledge_Identification and Screening_Steps 1 To 5.xlsx 4. Process_Identification and Screening_Steps 1 To 5.xlsx 5. Product_Identification and Screening_Steps 1 To 5.xlsx 6. Tool_Identification and Screening_Steps 1 To 5.xlsx The six subsets summed 386 publications, which in the main publication are referred as the screen pre-subset. b) Concentrate_FINAL_With Random.xlsx --> This file contains the final concentrate of publications. The resulting publications of the six individual searches were put together (Tab: "Total386papers") and removing duplicates (Tab: "NoDUPTotal373papers"), which resulted in 373 unique titles (referred to as Screened subset in our publication). These were randomly selected per category applying resulting in a final selection of 135 papers (Tab: "NoDUPRandomTot135papers" and referred to as Random selection subset in our publication). The other tabs have graphs of the 135 publications showing them per year, per type, per country, and per source. c) Tables and Figures_Final_Count Viewpoint,Drivers,Challenges.xlsx --> Contains several tabs with the processess to analyze, count, and create the tables and figures of the main publication and the thesis. The tabs explicitly say which tables or figures they are linked to. d) ECBS_3.docx --> Word file with supplementary information about how the mapping was done for the coverage analysis of the complexity drivers. The 135 references in this file constitute the random selection. e) ComplexityDrivers_RelationshipMap.pdf --> A network created in Atlas.Ti software to showcase some of the relationships found between the various complexity drivers. f) Reference Model 2021-Final.pdf --> A reference model showing many factors studied and which led to the creation of the SSPT framework (System, Social, Process, Tooling). g) Code-Document-Analysis-Viewpoints, Drivers, and Challenges.xlsx --> Code-Document report details the 72 documents and the codes assigned to each one in binary representation. This information was used to quantify the identified complexity taxonomy for the viewpoints and the challenges (for the drivers, the word file described in d) was used). Description of the individual codes can be found in the main publication: Engineering complexity beyond the surface: discerning the viewpoints, the drivers, and the challenges ( and is included in detail in the sheet called: "info" The following tabs contain all the quotations per grouped viewpoints, drivers, and challenges and the respective information of the document of origin. Each of these quotes constitute the binarized results shown in the Code-Document tab. h) SMS FINAL Engineering Complexity Beyond The Surface.qdpx --> Source file obtained from Atlas.TI QDA (qualitative data analysis) software. This file has all the documents and coding used for our review. allows to move entire projects from one software to another. The standard exchange file is XML based and therefore not just allows specialised QDA software to open it but allows any software that is able to process XML to access the data.