Objective Surgical graduate training to achieve practice-ready students is needed, yet is often lacking. This study developed and evaluated a proficiency-based, simulation-based course for basic surgical skills at graduate level. Learning outcomes were measured at the level of knowledge and skills and evaluated with a post-course questionnaire after students’ clinical rotations.
Methods The surgical skills course was anchored to surgical patient flow and covered topics and skills related to pre-, intra-, and post-operative care, including case-based medical reasoning, patient safety, infection management, operating heatre etiquette, scrubbing and donning, instrument handling, Post-course evaluation was done with an online survey.
155 graduate Technical Medicine students from academic years 2015-2016 and 2016-2017 entered this study. Datasets in this repository
English translations of Rubrics Surgical Skills (Performance indicators and objectives for the scrubbing and donning, local anaesthesia, incision/excision, and suturing tasks)Results Graduate Assessments Surgical SkillsQuestionnaire Results Surgical SkillsFigures for Simulation-based Surgical Skills Training for Technical Medicine Students