Data underlying the research on RICA: Rice Crop Calendar for Asia

  • Bhogendra Mishra (Creator)
  • Lorenzo Busetto (Creator)
  • Mirco Boschetti (Creator)
  • Alice G. Laborte (Creator)
  • Andy Nelson (Creator)



This dataset "RICA: Rice Crop Calendar for Asia" contains (1) a shapefile (a data format used in many GIS) that shows administrative units and (2) a csv table that can be joined to the shapefile. Shapefile - These units have been used in a spatial analysis of hypertemporal remote sensing information from MODIS images (2003-2016) to estimate start of season (SoS0 and end of season (EoS0 dates for rice crops in Asia. The file contains the names of the spatial units for country, region and sub region where available. CSV file - The accompanying csv file contains the SoS and EoS dates which can be joined to this shapefile using the OBJECTID attribute in the shapefile table. The tables contains the number of detected seasons (N), the proportion of detections (prop), the mean day of year of SoS and EoS and the standard deviation of the SoS and EoS dates. The article related to this data is available here Data (shapefile and csv file) have also been posted at with a reserved DOI 10.4121/13468929.
Date made available1 Sept 2023
Publisher4TU.Centre for Research Data
Temporal coverage2003 - 2016
Geographical coverageAsia

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