Landslide inventory of the 2018 monsoon rainfall in Kerala, India



The state of Kerala in India was impacted by an extreme rainfall event in the Monsoon season of 2018, which triggered extensive floods, and landslides resulting in many casualties. In order to study whether the landslides that were triggered during this event were related with recent land use changes, we generated an accurate and almost complete landslide inventory based on two existing datasets (from the National Remote Sensing Center, and the Geological Survey of India) and detailed interpretation of images from different periods in the Google Earth platform. The final dataset contains 4728 landslides with attributes of district, data source, landslide type, landslide area, land use in 2010, and land use in 2018, etc. The dataset and accompanying metadata are related to several publications in international journals.

Geomorphology, natural hazards, landslides
Date made available2 Apr 2020
PublisherDATA Archiving and Networked Services (DANS)
Temporal coverage1 Jun 2018 - 26 Aug 2018
Date of data production3 Apr 2020
Geographical coverageThe state of Kerala in India
Geospatial point9.364058, 76.629618Show on map

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