Livelihood impacts of displacement and resettlement on informal households - A case study from Kigali, Rwanda



This research analysed the impacts of resettlement projects on the livelihood of affected informal settlement dwellers in Kigali, the capital city of Rwanda. The resettlement projects considered are induced by both urban redevelopment projects and the disaster risk mitigation relocation policy. The data were collected through interviews, focus group discussions and field observation. Participants include key informants and the heads of households in both selected resettlement sites and informal settlement communities that were waiting to be displaced.

Urban development, Disaster risk, Induced displacement, Resettlement, Livelihood impacts, Informal settlements, Master plan, Kigali, Urban and rural planning
Date made available27 Jun 2019
PublisherDATA Archiving and Networked Services (DANS)
Date of data production15 Feb 2019
Geographical coverageKigali, capital city of Rwanda
Geospatial point-1.965070, 30.118201Show on map

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