Mapping cropping patterns in irrigated rice fields in West Java: Towards mapping vulnerability to flooding using time-series MODIS imageries

  • Riswan Septriayadi Sianturi (Creator)
  • Victor Jetten (Research team member)
  • J. Sartohadi (Research team member)



This research mapped cropping patterns using time-series MODIS imageries in irrigated rice fields in West Java, Indonesia. This research was part of bigger research and serves as the background for more detail studies in the study area. This study is able to show the rice field distribution, its phenology metric, cropping pattern, and vulnerability to flooding. Specifically for irrigated rice fields under Ir. Djuanda (Jatiluhur) reservoir command area, the analysis allowed the identification of ongoing cropping patterns whether they are still aligned with the official cropping calendar.

Cropping patterns, Irrigated rice fields, Vulnerability to flooding, MOD09A1, Vulnerability, Cropping pattern, West java
Date made available12 Jan 2018
PublisherDATA Archiving and Networked Services (DANS)
Temporal coverage2000 - 2017
Date of data production16 Apr 2018
Geographical coverageWest java, Karawang, Bekasi, Subang, Indramayu districts, Indonesia
Geospatial point-6.480244, 107.083916Show on map

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