*** Solver for anisotropic radiative transfer in an XY-geometry ***
authors: J. Dölz, O. Palii, M. Schlottbom corresponding author: Matthias Schlottbom, University of Twente,
[email protected] *** Scientific reference ***
Jürgen Dölz, Olena Palii, Matthias Schlottbom On robustly convergent and efficient iterative methods for anisotropic radiative transfer. Journal of Scientific Computing 90 (94), 2022. <sub>https://doi.org/10.1007/s10915-021-01757-9</sub> When using this code, cite that paper.
*** Description ***
For using the code, unzip the repository and run solve.m. In lines 4-12, there are parameters regarding the solver and meshes used. In line 51, a function is called that specifies the optical parameters.