Separation of hydrodynamic from biogeochemical factors affecting eutrophication in a tropical hydropower reservoir

  • Isabel De Sousa Brandao (Creator)



This dataset was used to investigate relationships between the hydrological cycle of an Amazonian reservoir and the water quality of its limnological zones. The dataset includes water quality parameters (nutrients, chl-a, sediments and water transparency (Secchi disk)) which were measured in different limnological zones (riverine, transitional and lacustrine) and years of the studied hydropower reservoir.

Eutrophication, Hydropower, Water quality, Drinking water supply, Ecology, Probability theory, Statistics
Date made available1 May 2019
PublisherDATA Archiving and Networked Services (DANS)
Temporal coverage2005 - 2016
Date of data production5 Nov 2018

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