Ten years profile soil moisture and temperature measurements in Twente



The Twente region in the east of the Netherlands hold a network that monitors since 2009 profile soil moisture and temperature at twenty locations mostly in the rural environment. In addition, intensive measurement campaigns have been performed in 2009, 2015, 2016, and 2017 at number of measurement locations as a part of MSc and PhD research. The development of the network infrastructure has been supported through various EU and NWO-funded projects, and forthcoming data has been successfully used for the validation of satellite derived surface soil moisture products.
The early development of the network has been described in Dente et al. (2011), but over the years the design of the network has altered considerably with the most recent updates documented in Van der Velde et al. (in review).
In 2019, the Twente network has been operational for more than a decade and with this deposit we would like to make this data freely and well documented available for use by the science and professional communities. An accompanying data paper is under development, which provide additional background information.

Dente, L., Vekerdy, Z., Su, Z. and Ucer, M.: Twente soil moisture and soil temperature monitoring network, University of Twente, Enschede, ISBN 978-90-6164-324-1, 19 pp., 2011.
van der Velde, R., Colliander, A., Pezij, M., Benninga, H.-J. F., Bindlish, R., Chan, S. K., Jackson, T. J., Hendriks, D. M. D., Augustijn, D. C. M., and Su, Z.: Validation of SMAP L2 passive-only soil moisture products using in situ measurements collected in Twente, The Netherlands, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. Discuss., https://doi.org/10.5194/hess-2019-471, in review, 2019.
Date made available4 Oct 2020
PublisherDATA Archiving and Networked Services (DANS)
Temporal coverage12 Nov 2008 - 31 Dec 2019
Date of data production30 Sept 2020
Geographical coverageThe Twente region (mostly), East of the Netherlands

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