12 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Elham Bakhshianlamouki with the persons below:
Ellen-Wien Augustijn
- Department of Geo-information Processing - Assistant Professor
- Digital Society Institute - Assistant Professor
- Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation - Assistant Professor
- UT-I-ITC-STAMP - Assistant Professor
Person: Academic
Evangelia Balla
- Department of Urban and Regional Planning and Geo-Information Management - External PhD Candidate
Person: PNUT
Hans T.A. Bressers
- Department of Governance and Technology for Sustainability - Other Research Staff
Person: PNUT
Cesar A. Casiano Flores
- Department of Governance and Technology for Sustainability - Assistant Professor
Person: Academic
Yue Dou
- Department of Natural Resources - Assistant Professor
- UT-I-ITC-FORAGES - Assistant Professor
Person: Academic
Erik Martijn Horstman
- Coastal Systems and Nature-Based Engineering - Associate Professor
Person: Academic
Berend Jan van der Zwaag
- Digital Society Institute - Assistant Professor
- Pervasive Systems - Assistant Professor
Person: Academic