title = "25 years development of knowledge graph theory: the results and the challenge",
abstract = "The project on knowledge graph theory was begun in 1982. At the initial stage, the goal was to use graphs to represent knowledge in the form of an expert system. By the end of the 80's expert systems in medical and social science were developed successfully using knowledge graph theory. In the following stage, the goal of the project was broadened to represent natural language by knowledge graphs. Since then, this theory can be considered as one of the methods to deal with natural language processing. At the present time knowledge graph representation has been proven to be a method that is language independent. The theory can be applied to represent almost any characteristic feature in various languages. The objective of the paper is to summarize the results of 25 years of development of knowledge graph theory and to point out some challenges to be dealt with in the next stage of the development of the theory. The paper will give some highlight on the difference between this theory and other theories like that of conceptual graphs which has been developed and presented by Sowa in 1984 and other theories like that of formal concept analysis by Wille or semantic networks.",
keywords = "EWI-13255, natural language processing, Knowledge graph, Expert system, IR-64931, METIS-254884, conceptual graph, MSC-05C99",
author = "{Sri Nurdiati}, S.N. and C. Hoede",
year = "2008",
month = sep,
language = "Undefined",
series = "Memorandum",
publisher = "University of Twente",
number = "2/1876",
address = "Netherlands",