3-D and 2-D Reconstruction of Bladders for the Assessment of Inter-Session Detection of Tissue Changes: A Proof of Concept

Vincent Groenhuis*, Antonius G. de Groot, Erik B. Cornel, Stefano Stramigioli, Françoise J. Siepel

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Purpose: Abnormalities in the bladder wall require careful investigation regarding type, spatial position and invasiveness. Construction of a 3-D model of the bladder is helpful to ensure adequate coverage of the scanning procedure, quantitative comparison of bladder wall textures between successive sessions and finding back previously-discovered abnormalities.

Methods: Videos of both an in-vivo bladder and a textured bladder phantom were acquired. Structure-from-motion and bundle adjustment algorithms were used to construct a 3-D point cloud, approximate it by a surface mesh, texture it with the back-projected camera frames and draw the corresponding 2-D atlas. Reconstructions of successive sessions were compared; those of the bladder phantom were co-registered, transformed using 3-D thin plate splines and post-processed to highlight significant changes in texture.

Results: The reconstruction algorithms of the presented workflow were able to construct 3-D models and corresponding 2-D atlas of both the in-vivo bladder and the bladder phantom. For the in-vivo bladder the portion of the reconstructed surface area was 58% and 79% for the pre- and post-operative scan, respectively. For the bladder phantom the full surface was reconstructed and the mean reprojection error was 0.081 mm (range 0 mm - 0.79 mm). In inter-session comparison the changes in texture were correctly indicated for all six locations.

Conclusion: The proposed proof-of-concept was able to perform 3-D and 2-D reconstruction of an in-vivo bladder wall based on a set of monocular images. In a phantom study the computer vision algorithms were also effective in co-registering reconstructions of successive sessions and highlighting texture changes between sessions. These techniques may be useful for detecting, monitoring and revisiting suspicious lesions.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1915-1924
Number of pages10
JournalInternational journal of computer assisted radiology and surgery
Early online date21 Apr 2023
Publication statusPublished - Oct 2023


  • UT-Hybrid-D
  • Bladder
  • Computer vision
  • Monocular
  • 3-D reconstruction
  • Proof of concept


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