300% magnetocurrent in a room temperature operating spin-valve transistor

P.S. Anil Kumar, R. Jansen, O.M.J. van 't Erve, R. Vlutters, S.D. Kim, J.C. Lodder

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    Here we present the realization of a room temperature operating spin-valve transistor with huge magnetocurrent (MC=300%) at low fields. This spin-valve transistor employs hot-electron transport across a Ni81Fe19/Au/Co spin valve. Hot electrons are injected into the spin valve across a Si–Pt Schottky barrier. After traversing the spin valve, these hot electrons are collected using a second Schottky barrier (Si–Au), which provides energy and momentum selection. The collector current is found to be extremely sensitive to the spin-dependent scattering of hot electrons in the spin valve, and therefore on the applied magnetic field. We also illustrate the role of the collector diode characteristics in determining the magnetocurrent under collector bias.
    Original languageUndefined
    Pages (from-to)166-170
    Number of pages5
    JournalPhysica C
    Issue number3-4
    Publication statusPublished - 2001


    • IR-62983
    • METIS-112313
    • Magnetotransport
    • Spin valve
    • Schottky barrier
    • Hot electron
    • SMI-NE: From 2006 in EWI-NE
    • EWI-5507

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