A Benchmark for Online Non-Blocking Schema Transformations

L. Wevers, Matthijs Hofstra, Menno Tammens, Marieke Huisman, Maurice van Keulen

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionAcademicpeer-review

3 Citations (Scopus)
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This paper presents a benchmark for measuring the blocking behavior of schema transformations in relational database systems. As a basis for our benchmark, we have developed criteria for the functionality and performance of schema transformation mechanisms based on the characteristics of state of the art approaches. To address limitations of existing approaches, we assert that schema transformations must be composable while satisfying the ACID guarantees like regular database transactions. Additionally, we have identified important classes of basic and complex relational schema transformations that a schema transformation mechanism should be able to perform. Based on these transformations and our criteria, we have developed a benchmark that extends the standard TPC-C benchmark with schema transformations, which can be used to analyze the blocking behavior of schema transformations in database systems. The goal of the benchmark is not only to evaluate existing solutions for non-blocking schema transformations, but also to challenge the database community to find solutions that allow more complex transactional schema transformations.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of 4th International Conference on Data Management Technologies and Applications, DATA 2015
Subtitle of host publicationJuly 20-22, 2015, in Colmar, Alsace, France
EditorsMarkus Helfert, Andreas Holzinger, Orlando Belo, Chiara Francalanci
Number of pages11
ISBN (Print)978-989-758-103-8
Publication statusPublished - 20 Jul 2015
EventProceedings of 4th International Conference on Data Management Technologies and Applications, DATA 2015 - Colmar, France
Duration: 20 Jul 201522 Jul 2015


ConferenceProceedings of 4th International Conference on Data Management Technologies and Applications, DATA 2015
Other20-22 Jul 2015


  • CR-H.2.7
  • Online schema transformations
  • Database transactions
  • Benchmark


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