A 'blended' in-service arrangement for classroom technology integration: impacts on teachers and students

Joke Voogt*, Marinus Almekinders, Jan van den Akker, Bert Moonen

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Many studies report that the implementation of technology in education is a complex innovation. Particularly teachers lack skills to integrate technology in their instructional processes. Therefore the potential of technology in the classroom is hardly realized. Teacher learning on classroom use of technology is considered important. In this contribution a ‘blended’ in-service arrangement to support secondary school teachers in the integration of technology in their classroom is presented. The arrangement consisted of workshops, exemplary curriculum materials and computer mediated communication. The article describes and discusses two studies that applied and evaluated the ‘blended’ approach to teacher professional development. The results of both studies show that this seems a promising arrangement for supporting the integration of technology in education. However, realizing the potential of technology to create ‘communities of practice’ remains difficult because for most teachers this use of technology is yet not congruent with their daily routines.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)523-539
JournalComputers in human behavior
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 2005


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