A blending of computer-based assessment and performance-based assessment: Multimedia-Based Performance Assessment (MBPA). The introduction of a new method of assessment in Dutch Vocational Education and Training (VET)

Sebastiaan de Klerk, Theodorus Johannes Hendrikus Maria Eggen, Bernard P. Veldkamp

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Innovation in technology drives innovation in assessment. Since the introduction of computer-based assessment (CBA), a few decades ago, many formerly paper-and-pencil tests have transformed in a computer-based equivalent. CBAs are becoming more complex, including multimedia and simulative elements and even immersive virtual environments. In Vocational Education and Training (VET), test developers may seize the opportunity provided by technology to create a multimedia-based equivalent of performance-based assessment (PBA), from here on defined as multimedia-based performance assessment (MBPA). MBPA in vocational education is an assessment method that incorporates multimedia (e.g. video, illustrations, graphs, virtual reality) for the purpose of simulating the work environment of the student and for creating tasks and assignments in the assessment. Furthermore, MBPA is characterized by a higher amount of interactivity between the student and the assessment than traditional computer-based tests. The focal constructs measured by MBPA are the same as are currently assessed by performance-based assessments. Compared to automated delivery of item-based tests, MBPA realizes the full power of ICT. In the present article we will therefore discuss the current status of MBPA, including examples of our own research on MBPA. We provide an argument for the use of MBPA in vocational education too.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)39-56
Number of pages18
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2014


  • IR-91522
  • METIS-304623


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