A broad-spectrum gas sensor based on correlated two-dimensional electron gas

Yuhao Hong, Long Wei, Qinghua Zhang, Zhixiong Deng, Xiaxia Liao, Yangbo Zhou, Lei Wang, Tongrui Li, Junhua Liu, Wen Xiao, Shilin Hu, Lingfei Wang, Lin Li, Mark Huijben, Yulin Gan, Kai Chen, Gertjan Koster, Guus Rijnders*, Zhaoliang Liao*

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Designing a broad-spectrum gas sensor capable of identifying gas components in complex environments, such as mixed atmospheres or extreme temperatures, is a significant concern for various technologies, including energy, geological science, and planetary exploration. The main challenge lies in finding materials that exhibit high chemical stability and wide working temperature range. Materials that amplify signals through non-chemical methods could open up new sensing avenues. Here, we present the discovery of a broad-spectrum gas sensor utilizing correlated two-dimensional electron gas at a delta-doped LaAlO3/SrTiO3 interface with LaFeO3. Our study reveals that a back-gating on this two-dimensional electron gas can induce a non-volatile metal to insulator transition, which consequently can activate the two-dimensional electron gas to sensitively and quantitatively probe very broad gas species, no matter whether they are polar, non-polar, or inert gases. Different gas species cause resistance change at their sublimation or boiling temperature and a well-defined phase transition angle can quantitatively determine their partial pressures. Such unique correlated two-dimensional electron gas sensor is not affected by gas mixtures and maintains a wide operating temperature range. Furthermore, its readout is a simple measurement of electric resistance change, thus providing a very low-cost and high-efficient broad-spectrum sensing technique.

Original languageEnglish
Article number8496
JournalNature communications
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 21 Dec 2023


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