A Capability Approach to worker dignity under Algorithmic Management

Laura Lamers*, Jeroen Meijerink, Giedo Jansen, Mieke Boon

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This paper proposes a conceptual framework to study and evaluate the impact of ‘Algorithmic Management’ (AM) on worker dignity. While the literature on AM addresses many concerns that relate to the dignity of workers, a shared understanding of what worker dignity means, and a framework to study it, in the context of software algorithms at work is lacking. We advance a conceptual framework based on a Capability Approach (CA) as a route to understanding worker dignity under AM. This paper contributes to the existing AM literature which currently is mainly focused on exploitation and violations of dignity and its protection. By using a CA, we expand this focus and can evaluate the possibility that AM might also enable and promote dignity. We conclude that our CA-based conceptual framework provides a valuable means to study AM and then discuss avenues for future research into the complex relationship between worker dignity and AM systems.

Original languageEnglish
Article number10
JournalEthics and information technology
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - Mar 2022


  • Algorithmic Management
  • Capability Approach
  • Human Resource Management
  • Worker dignity
  • UT-Hybrid-D


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