title = "A Characterization of ET0L and EDT0L Languages",
abstract = "There exists a PT0L language $L_0$ such that the following holds. A language $L$ is an ET0L language if and only if there exists a mapping $T$ induced by an a-NGSM (nondeterministic generalized sequential machine with accepting states) such that $L = T(L_0)$. There exists an infinite collection of EPDT0L languages $D_{mn}\subseteq\Sigma_{mn}^\star$ ($n\geq m\geq 1$) such that the family EDT0L is characterized in the following way. A language $L$ is an EDT0L language if and only if there exists $n\geq m\geq 1$, a homomorphism $h$ and a regular language $R \subseteq \Sigma_{mn}^\star$ such that $L = h(D_{mn} \cap R)$.",
keywords = "HMI-SLT: Speech and Language Technology",
author = "Asveld, {Peter R.J.}",
note = "Research supported by Netherlands Organization for the Advancement of Pure Research (ZWO). [N.B. The original typescript of this report had 13 pages; the more recent LaTeX version reduced this number to 10.] ",
year = "1976",
language = "English",
series = "Memorandum / Department of Applied Mathematics",
publisher = "University of Twente",
number = "129",
address = "Netherlands",