A discontinuous Galerkin approach for atmospheric flows with implicit condensation

Sabine Doppler, Philip L. Lederer, Joachim Schöberl, Henry von Wahl*

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We present a discontinuous Galerkin method for moist atmospheric dynamics, with and without warm rain. By considering a combined density for water vapour and cloud water, we avoid the need to model and compute a source term for condensation. We recover the vapour and cloud densities by solving a pointwise non-linear problem each time step. Consequently, we enforce the requirement for the water vapour not to be supersaturated implicitly. Together with an explicit time-stepping scheme, the method is highly parallelisable and can utilise high-performance computing hardware. Furthermore, the discretisation works on structured and unstructured meshes in two and three spatial dimensions. We illustrate the performance of our approach using several test cases in two and three spatial dimensions. In the case of a smooth, exact solution, we illustrate the optimal higher-order convergence rates of the method.

Original languageEnglish
Article number112713
Number of pages21
JournalJournal of computational physics
Early online date18 Dec 2023
Publication statusPublished - 15 Feb 2024


  • Atmospheric flow
  • Compressible Euler equations with source terms
  • Discontinuous Galerkin
  • High-order
  • Hyperbolic conservation laws
  • Implicit condensation
  • Matrix-free
  • Moisture


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