A green rock for a greener future: in situ tracking of reaction-limiting interphase in olivine-based CO2 mineralization

Vincenzo Ettore Alagia*, Michel Duits (Contributor), Igor Sîretanu (Contributor), A. Dijkstra (Contributor), Frieder Mugele (Contributor)

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterAcademic


Carbon capture and storage (CCS) technologies are a promising way to counterbalance CO2 emissions. Mineralization is a safe and stable form of CCS due to the permanent conversion of CO2 into carbonates. Olivine is a great candidate for CCS due to its natural abundance and ability to undergo weathering in water. This entails a two-step dissolution-reprecipitation process, where amorphous silica and carbonate species are the main products. Those two processes have conflicting requirements and, in sea water and at room conditions, they happen slowly and can’t be easily controlled.
It has been suggested that one of the main reasons for the low reaction rates is the formation of a silica-rich passivation layer on the olivine surface. Such interphase would limit mass transfer and slow down the reaction at the electrolyte-mineral interface. Through Confocal Raman Microscopy it is possible to track the interfacial composition between olivine and aqueous solutions containing CO2 in situ, imaging the dissolution and mineralization processes over time. The variations in morphology and composition during olivine dissolution have been tracked through CRM and AFM, showing a preferential direction in the dissolution process. The formation of a silica layer during olivine dissolution in H2SO4 has also been observed. A full understanding of the interphase formation could provide valuable information about olivine weathering kinetics, offering pathways towards more efficient olivine-based CCS.

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Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 4 Apr 2023
EventNWO Physics@Veldhoven 2023 - Veldhoven, Netherlands
Duration: 4 Apr 20235 Apr 2023


ConferenceNWO Physics@Veldhoven 2023


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