A Model for In-service Teacher Learning in the Context of an Innovation

Ferdinand G.M. Coenders, C. Terlouw

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When curricula change, teachers have to bring their knowledge and beliefs up to date. Two aspects can be distinguished: what do teachers learn and how is it learned. Two groups of teachers were involved during the preparation of a new chemistry curriculum. One group developed student learning material and subsequently enacted this in class. Another group only class-enacted this. Based on teacher learning, a model to understand teacher growth is presented. As the combination of a development phase with a class enactment phase proved instrumental, an existing model, the interconnected model of teacher professional growth, was extended. The consequence is that for teacher learning for a renewal a (re)development phase followed by a class enactment phase is essential
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)451-470
JournalJournal of science teacher education
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 31 May 2015


  • IR-96079
  • METIS-310581
  • n/a OA procedure


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