A model for predicting an individual's use of a telematics application.

Betty Collis, N. Pals

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademic


    Telematics, the combination of communication and information technology, offers a wide range of possibilities for education. Telematics applications include e-mail, groupware, and all the possibilities of the World Wide Web (WWW). Educational insti-tutions and jurisdictions throughout the world are investing in Internet access and in creating the conditions so various kinds of telematics applications can be available to teachers and learners. But a major question is: Will the intended users, teachers and learners, actually make use of all these possibilities? What fac-tors have the most impact, both positive and negative, in terms of the individual teacher or student’s decision to make use of a telematics application? In a research project underway in The Netherlands, using data from a number of countries, these ques-tions are being addressed. In this article we describe the theoreti-cal model derived for our research. The model involves four main clusters of variables related to external context, educational ef-fectiveness, ease of use, and personal engagement and is thus called the 4-E Model. The paper develops this model theoretical-ly. It also briefly describes how it is being validated and gives in-dications of how the model can be applied in practice.
    Original languageUndefined
    Pages (from-to)63-103
    Number of pages41
    JournalInternational journal of educational telecommunications
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - 2000


    • IR-26903
    • METIS-135554

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