A note on bounds for target tracking with Pd <1

Y. Boers, Hans Driessen

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    Recently several new results for Cramer-Rao lower bounds (CRLBs) in dynamical systems have been developed. Several different approaches and approximations have been presented. For the general case of target tracking with a detection probability smaller than one and possibly in the presence of false measurements, two main approaches have been presented. The first approach is the information reduction factor (IRF) approach. The second approach is the enumeration (ENUM) approach, also referred to as the conditioning approach. It has been found that the ENUM approach leads to a strictly larger covariance matrix than the IRF approach, however, still providing a lower bound on the attainable error covariance. Thus, the ENUM approach provides a strictly tighter bound on the attainable performance. It has been conjectured that these bounds converge to one another in the limit or equivalently after an initial transition stage. We demonstrate, using some recent results from the modified Riccati equation (MRE) and by means of counter examples, that this conjecture does not hold true in general. We also demonstrate that the conjecture does hold true in the special case of deterministic target motion, or equivalently in the absence of process noise. Furthermore, we show that the detection probability has an influence on the limiting behaviors of the bounds. Moreover, we show that the MRE approximation provides a very good and computationally efficient approximation of the ENUM bound. The various results are illustrated by means of representative examples.
    Original languageUndefined
    Article number10.1109/TAES.2009.5089546
    Pages (from-to)640-646
    Number of pages7
    JournalIEEE transactions on aerospace and electronic systems
    Issue number2
    Publication statusPublished - Apr 2009


    • EWI-16100
    • IR-68152
    • METIS-264043

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