A robot-based hybrid lower limb system for Assist-As-Needed rehabilitation of stroke patients: Technical evaluation and clinical feasibility

Kasper S. Leerskov*, Cindy J.H. Rikhof, Erika G. Spaich, Strahinja Dosen, Gerdienke B. Prange-Lasonder, Erik C. Prinsen, Johan S. Rietman, Lotte N.S. Andreasen Struijk

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Background: Although early rehabilitation is important following a stroke, severely affected patients have limited options for intensive rehabilitation as they are often bedridden. To create a system for early rehabilitation of lower extremities in these patients, we combined the robotic manipulator ROBERT® with electromyography (EMG)-triggered functional electrical stimulation (FES) and developed a novel user-driven Assist-As-Needed (AAN) control. The method is based on a state machine able to detect user movement capability, assessed by the presence of an EMG-trigger and the movement velocity, and provide different levels of assistance as required by the patient (no support, FES only, and simultaneous FES and mechanical assistance).

Methods: To technically validate the system, we tested 10 able-bodied participants who were instructed to perform specific behaviors to test the system states while conducting knee extension and ankle dorsal flexion exercises. The system was also tested on two stroke patients to establish its clinical feasibility.

Results: The technical validation showed that the state machine correctly detected the participants’ behavior and activated the target AAN state in more than 96% of the exercise repetitions. The clinical feasibility test showed that the system successfully recognized the patients’ movement capacity and activated assistive states according to their needs providing the minimal level of support required to exercise successfully.

Conclusions: The system was technically validated and preliminarily proved clinically feasible. The present study shows that the novel system can be used to deliver exercises with a high number of repetitions while engaging the participants’ residual capabilities through the AAN strategy.

Original languageEnglish
Article number108839
JournalComputers in biology and medicine
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2024


  • Assist-as-needed
  • Clinical feasibility
  • Hybrid robotics
  • State machine
  • Stroke rehabilitation
  • Technical validation


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