A Software Defined Radio Test-bed for WLAN Front Ends

V.J. Arkesteijn, Roelof Schiphorst, F.W. Hoeksema, Eric A.M. Klumperink, Bram Nauta, Cornelis H. Slump

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionAcademic

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    In our Software Defined Radio (SDR) project we aim at combining two different types of standards, Bluetooth and HiperLAN/2 on one common flexible hardware platform. The HiperLAN/2 hardware is that complex compared to the Bluetooth hardware, that Bluetooth capability may be added to the HiperLAN/2 platform at limited cost. The question is how to do this. In this paper we first describe the radio front-end functions and their implementation. Subsequently the test-bed that will assist us in building the hardware platform is described.We present the method by which we use the HiperLAN/2 front-end for Bluetooth reception purposes Our system consists of three parts: analog signal processing, digital channel selection and digital demodulation. The analog processing function is capable of reception of both standards.The demodulation function and channel selection function are implemented in two separate software programs (one for each standard) that allow the exploration of different design alternatives and the assessment of computational cost of the receiver.
    Original languageUndefined
    Title of host publication3rd PROGRESS workshop on Embedded Systems
    Place of PublicationUtrecht
    Number of pages4
    ISBN (Print)90-73461-34-0
    Publication statusPublished - 24 Oct 2002
    Event3rd PROGRESS Workshop on Embedded Systems 2002 - Utrecht, Netherlands
    Duration: 24 Oct 200224 Oct 2002
    Conference number: 3

    Publication series

    PublisherSTW Technology Foundation


    Workshop3rd PROGRESS Workshop on Embedded Systems 2002
    Abbreviated titlePROGRESS


    • EWI-12041
    • IR-44026
    • METIS-208223

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