A wavenumber-frequency spectral model for atmospheric boundary layers

Michael Wilczek, Richard J.A.M. Stevens, Yasuhito Narita, Charles Meneveau

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Motivated by the need to characterize power fluctuations in wind farms, we study spatio-temporal correlations of a neutral atmospheric boundary layer in terms of the joint wavenumber-frequency spectrum of the streamwise velocity fluctuations. To this end, we perform a theoretical analysis of a simple advection model featuring the advection of small- scale velocity fluctuations by the mean flow and large-scale velocity fluctuations. The model is compared to data from large-eddy simulations (LES). We find that the model captures the trends observed in LES, specifically a Doppler shift of frequencies due to the mean flow as well as a Doppler broadening due to random sweeping effects.
Original languageEnglish
Article number012104
JournalJournal of physics: Conference series
Publication statusPublished - 2014
EventThe Science of Making Torque from Wind, TORQUE 2014 - Copenhagen, Denmark
Duration: 18 Jun 201420 Jun 2014


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