ABLooM: Location behaviour, spatial patterns, and agent-based modelling

Henriëtte Otter, A. van der Veen, Huib J. de Vriend

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This paper presents an Agent-based LOcation Model (ABLOoM). ABLOoM simulates the location decisions of two main types of agents, namely households and firms. The model contains multiple interactions that are crucial in understanding land use changes, such as interactions of agents with other agents, of agents with their environment and of agents with emerged patterns. In order to understand the mechanisms that are at the basis of land use changes and the formation of land use patterns, ABLOoM allows us to study human behaviour at the microlevel in a spatial context. The models, which include economic theory, aspects of complexity theory and decision rules, show that it is possible to generate macrolevel land use patterns from microlevel spatial decision rules.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)-
Number of pages24
JournalJournal of artificial societies and social simulation
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 2001


  • IR-96516
  • METIS-201481


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