Achieving sustainability three dimensionally

M. Asif, E.J. de Bruijn, O.A.M. Fisscher, H.J. Steenhuis

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper

    15 Citations (Scopus)
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    Consideration is given to achieving organisational sustainability through a holistic, integrated and multi stakeholders’ participative approach. The notion of “optimizing production processes” to achieve sustainability is not sufficient since most of the unsustainable processes are found outside the certified manufacturing facility. Achieving sustainability requires a holistic consideration of business processes along the whole supply chain as well as the management systems. Conventional tools and techniques to integrate sustainability in business processes have environmental connotations and thus fail to encompass all aspects of sustainability. This paper proposes a framework that addresses sustainability at three frontiers which are life cycle analysis, operational excellence, and integration of management systems.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages6
    Publication statusPublished - 21 Sept 2008
    Event4th IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation and Technology, ICMIT 2008 - Bangkok, Thailand
    Duration: 21 Sept 200824 Sept 2008
    Conference number: 4


    Conference4th IEEE International Conference on Management of Innovation and Technology, ICMIT 2008
    Abbreviated titleICMIT


    • METIS-250335


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