Addressing Industry 4.0 Roles in Purchasing by Identifying the Required Skill profiles

Vincent Delke*

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


The purchasing and supply management (PSM) domain is going through a digital transformation process where the implications of Industry 4.0 become a reality. Due to increasing digitalisation and automation, the working environment of purchasing professionals is changing, and new competen cies are required. Further, technologies allow for reshaping the buyer‐supplier interface. However, it is still questionable how fast available or new technologies will be implemented. This research aims to identify the responsibilities and skills fo r future roles in PSM. Therefore, the future PSM roles suggested by Delke, Buchholz, et al. (2021) have been used. By using a multiple‐case study approach, the implementation of four future roles has been addressed, and the required skills for each role have been expl ored. Results show that each purchasing role requires a specific skill set, depending on the responsibilities and the available technology. Also, topics such as data analysis in PSM have been addressed in detail.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 12 Apr 2022
EventIPSERA 2022: Building Bridges - Jönköping University, Jönköping, Sweden
Duration: 10 Apr 202213 Apr 2022
Conference number: 31


ConferenceIPSERA 2022
Abbreviated titleIPSERA
Internet address


  • roles
  • Competencies
  • human resources
  • Purchasing
  • Supply management
  • industry 4.0


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