Advances in technology: commercialization models

Yorgos Marinakis

Research output: ThesisPhD Thesis - Research UT, graduation UT

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Through the lens of the philosophy of science, we reconsider things that are currently being taken for granted and locate issues that are not currently being treated. In general, that lens has been more focused on views of scientific theories rather than theories of models. A philosophy of sciencetype approach to technology commercialization models is underrepresented in the academic literature. In this dissertation I investigated whether the study of technology commercialization models can benefit from a philosophy of sciencetype approach. I proceeded by addressing fundamental questions about the efficacy, ontology and epistemology of selected technology commercialization models that are unaddressed by the field of the Management of Technology. These selected models are the technology diffusion model, the Technology Acceptance Model, the Precautionary Principle, and economic index numbers in application to technology commercialization. I contributed to the literature by authoring a series of papers that make philosophy of sciencebased recommendations for improving the efficacy of these models. At the same time, through these authored works, I increased our understanding of their ontology and epistemology. The importance of improving the efficacy of models is centric to advancing the field. The importance of improving our understanding of their ontology and epistemology derives from the ontoepistemic perspective, which holds that how we think about the world and what the world is are interdependent. For example, we think models are representational (observational), but in fact they may be interventional. This result has bearing on our notions of objectivity of the observer, the influence of the observer’s logic on his observations, and the relation between understanding and truth. I concluded that the study of technology commercialization models can benefit from a philosophy of sciencetype approach.
Original languageEnglish
Awarding Institution
  • University of Twente
  • Walsh, Steven Thomas, Supervisor
  • Groen, Arend J., Supervisor
  • Harms, Rainer, Co-Supervisor
Award date14 Oct 2016
Place of PublicationEnschede
Print ISBNs978-90-365-4211-1
Publication statusPublished - 14 Oct 2016


  • METIS-317876
  • IR-101272


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