Aeroacoustic noise prediction of ducted wind turbine rotor

Rui Pedro Gonçalves, Sophie Le Bras, J. Manoel Freire-Guimaraes, Christophe Schram

Research output: Working paperPreprintAcademic

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Wind turbines coupled with a diffuser-augmented configuration have demonstrated potential to significantly enhance energy extraction. Their compact size proves to be ideal for urban wind energy harvesting. However, the presence of these devices in urban areas raises concerns regarding noise emissions. In this study, a simulation workflow is designed to predict the rotor aerodynamic noise of diffuser-augmented wind turbines, with focus on the rotor’s dominant sound sources, broadband trailing edge noise and tonal noise. Two hybrid approaches were implemented, solving the flow with either a 3D RANS or 2D strip approach, and coupling with aeroacoustic analytical models for noise prediction. For the aeroacoustic analysis, Amiet theory was used for the computation of the trailing edge broadband noise. As for the tonal noise prediction, finite element method was used to predict the steady loading tonal noise component, and the scattering effect caused by the presence of the diffuser. We find the adopted low order methodology is capable of predicting the broadband noise spectrum peak levels and frequencies with an accuracy of around 4 dB for both considered approaches. As for the tonal noise, we show how the diffuser scatters the tonal noise produced by the first harmonic blade passing frequency.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages43
Publication statusSubmitted - 6 May 2024


  • Aeroacoustics
  • Urban wind energy
  • Ducted wind turbine


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