AI binnen 3RO: Toepassing en toekomst

Translated title of the contribution: AI in 3RO: Application and future

Iris van Sintemaartensdijk*, Marleen Haandrikman, Hanneke Kip, Caroline Fischer, René Torenvlied

*Corresponding author for this work

Research output: Book/ReportReportAcademic

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Artificial intelligence (AI) has started to play a bigger role in our lives and is slowly more deployed in several branches and organisations. Within the judicial field, the opportunities to apply AI are being studied. An important exploration here is the possible application of AI within the Dutch probation services (3RO). The goal of this report is to provide the probation services with a better
understanding of what AI is, how AI can be deployed within probation services, the pros and cons of the potential applications, and how probation service workers will work with such AI programmes.
To study this, we employed a scoping review and interviewed both AI experts and probation workers. We found that AI is scarcely applied internationally within the probation setting, apart from risk assessment instruments. Using AI to organise information is an application probation workers would find valuable. When these AI systems function properly, they can potentially ease the workload of the probation workers. However, downsides of AI systems are potential prejudice in data, not knowing how the algorithm makes a decision and accepting the decisions of AI-systems by the users (both probation workers and convicts). It is clear that these AI systems need to be constantly monitored to prevent this. Within the probation AI needs to be able to decrease the workload of the
probation workers in order to be implemented successfully. Keeping the human factor front and central in the probation is essential in implementing AI systems.
It is clear that the application of AI systems is rising within the judicial field. There seem to be possibilities for the probation in using AI to unburden employees in processing information. It is clear that there are still a lot of issues however the with AI systems. We advise the following steps to be taken before implementing AI within the probation: (1) go beyond AI as risk taxation instrument, (2) keeping track of the developments of AI systems (both positive and negative) and (3) to put the human factor front and central and make sure that AI systems are never taking the final decisions.
We are still in the beginning phase of applying AI within the judicial field, and especially within the probation. We need to stay critical of AI systems and neet to continuously monitor these systems with the focus on maintaining the human factor.
Translated title of the contributionAI in 3RO: Application and future
Original languageDutch
PublisherKwaliteit Forensische Zorg
Number of pages54
Publication statusPublished - Sept 2022


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