Airborne verification of antenna patterns of broadcasting stations: REPORT ITU-R SM.2056

Erik van Maanen, Ben A. Witvliet

Research output: Book/ReportReportAcademic

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This Report describes the measurement procedures, the equipment required, and the reporting procedures for antenna radiation pattern measurements using an aircraft. This Report is independent of the airborne platform chosen and it can be used regardless of the broadcasting system used. However, additional suggestions are given for specific airborne platforms and specific broadcasting
systems, so that it can be tailored to anyone’s specific needs. The Report is divided into three Annexes:
– Annex 1 introduces the different antenna pattern types that can be distinguished, and the measurement procedures to measure those. The equipment needed to perform such measurements is described. This description is sufficiently detailed to assemble one’s own system, without limiting the choice of equipment. The post flight analysis, important for evaluating the measurement accuracy, is described, followed by a reporting standard.
– Each broadcasting type and each frequency range requires its own settings and has its own points of attention. Annex 2 is dedicated to these items.
– Annex 3 describes the specific problems encountered when choosing a specific aircraft type, and proposes solutions when possible.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationGeneva, Switzerland
PublisherITU - International Telecommunication Union
Number of pages32
VolumeITU Radio Sector
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jun 2005
Externally publishedYes


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