Airport Terminal Security Screenings

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingEntry for encyclopedia/dictionaryAcademic


    Security screenings at airport terminals are an important and visible part of aviation security. This entry examines the screenings that passengers undergo—similar measures are taken for the screening of the aircraft personnel and other members of the airport workforce. This entry looks into the spatial setups, technologies, and social relations that define the screening checkpoint and that have more recently rendered airport security as one of the most controversial issues in global travel. First, the checkpoint itself and its role in the architectural design of the (prototypical) airport are described. Then some of the numerous policy regulations and technologies that are usually in place for the sake of security screenings are discussed.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationThe SAGE Encyclopedia of Surveillance, Security, and Privacy
    EditorsBruce A. Arrigo
    ISBN (Print)9781483359946
    Publication statusPublished - 2018


    • Surveillance
    • Airport
    • Security
    • Philosophy
    • Political science


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