An ontology for telemedicine systems resiliency to technological context variations in pervasive healthcare

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    Clinical data are crucial for any medical case to study and understand a patient's condition and to give the patient the best possible treatment. Pervasive healthcare systems apply information and communication technology to enable the usage of ubiquitous clinical data by authorized medical persons. However, quality of clinical data in these applications is, to a large extent, determined by the technological context of the patient. A technological context is characterized by potential technological disruptions that affect optimal functioning of technological resources. The clinical data based on input from these technological resources can therefore have quality degradations. If these degradations are not noticed, the use of this clinical data can lead to wrong treatment decisions, which potentially puts the patient's safety at risk. This paper presents an ontology that species the relation among technological context, quality of clinical data, and patient treatment. The presented ontology provides a formal way to represent the knowledge to specify the effect of technological context variations in the clinical data quality and the impact of the clinical data quality on a patient's treatment. Accordingly, this ontology is the foundation for a quality of data framework that enables the development of telemedicine systems that are capable of adapting the treatment when the quality of the clinical data degrades, and thus guaranteeing patients' safety even when technological context varies.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)10
    Number of pages10
    JournalIEEE journal of translational engineering in health and medicine
    Publication statusPublished - 2015


    • SCS-services
    • Telemedicine
    • Ontology
    • Context
    • Quality of data


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