An XML format for benchmarks in High School Timetabling

Gerhard F. Post, Samad Ahmadi, Sophia Daskalaki, Jeffrey H. Kingston, Jari Kyngas, Cimmo Nurmi, David Ranson

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The High School Timetabling Problem is amongst the most widely used timetabling problems. This problem has varying structures in different high schools even within the same country or educational system. Due to lack of standard benchmarks and data formats this problem has been studied less than other timetabling problems in the literature. In this paper we describe the High School Timetabling Problem in several countries in order to find a common set of constraints and objectives. Our main goal is to provide exchangeable benchmarks for this problem. To achieve this we propose a standard data format suitable for different countries and educational systems, defined by an XML schema. The schema and datasets are available online.
Original languageUndefined
Pages (from-to)385-397
Number of pages13
JournalAnnals of operations research
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 2012


  • Timetabling
  • XML
  • Scheduling
  • High school
  • Benchmark
  • IR-79795
  • METIS-285201
  • EWI-19627

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