Analysing Password Protocol Security Against Off-line Dictionary Attacks

Ricardo Corin*, Jeroen Doumen, Sandro Etalle

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    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contributionAcademicpeer-review

    37 Citations (Scopus)
    104 Downloads (Pure)


    We study the security of password protocols against off-line dictionary attacks. In addition to the standard adversary abilities, we also consider further cryptographic advantages given to the adversary when considering the password protocol being instantiated with particular encryption schemes. We work with the applied pi-calculus of Abadi and Fournet, in which the (new) adversary abilities are modelled as equations between terms. As case studies, we analyse the Encrypted Password Transmission (EPT) protocol of Halevi and Krawczyk, and the wellknown Encrypted Key (EKE) of Bellovin and Merritt. In the latter, we find an attack that arises when considering the ability of distinguishing ciphertexts from random noise. We propose a modification to EKE that prevents this attack.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationProceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Security Issues with Petri Nets and other Computational Models (WISP 2004)
    EditorsNadia Busi, Roberto Gorrieri, Fabio Martinelli
    Place of PublicationAmsterdam
    Number of pages17
    Publication statusPublished - Jun 2004
    Event2nd International Workshop on Security Issues with Petri Nets and other Computational Models, WISP 2004 - Bologna, Italy
    Duration: 26 Jun 200426 Jun 2004
    Conference number: 2

    Publication series

    NameElectronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science
    ISSN (Print)1571-0661


    Workshop2nd International Workshop on Security Issues with Petri Nets and other Computational Models, WISP 2004
    Abbreviated titleWISP
    OtherJune 26, 2004


    • SCS-Cybersecurity
    • Password protocols
    • Dictionary attacks
    • Verification
    • Pi calculus


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