Analysis of Mobility and Sharing of WSNs By IP Applications

D. Bijwaard, Paul J.M. Havinga, E.H. Eertink

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticleAcademicpeer-review

    4 Citations (Scopus)
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    Movement of wireless sensor and actuator networks, and of nodes between WSANs are becoming more commonplace. However, enabling remote usage of sensory data in multiple applications, remote configuration, and actuation is still a big challenge. The purpose of this paper is to analyse and describe which mobility support can best be used in different scenarios, and how shared usage of mobile WSANs by multiple IP applications can best be scaled up. This paper describes logistic and person monitoring scenarios, where different types of movements take place. These mobility types and their implications are categorized and analysed. Different degrees of support for these mobility types are analysed in the context of the mobility scenarios. Additionally, different schemes are analysed for shared use of mobile WSANs by multiple applications. In conclusion, guidelines are provided for dealing with mobile and overlapping WSANs and the most promising scheme for shared use of mobile WSANs by IP applications.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)923594
    Number of pages14
    JournalInternational journal of distributed sensor networks
    Publication statusPublished - 13 Oct 2011


    • METIS-286274
    • IR-78977
    • Mobility
    • Wireless Sensor Networks
    • Sharing
    • EWI-21039


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