Analysis of the federal Mexican program POPMI which supported female entrepreneurship initiatives in the Yucatan peninsula, Mexico

María Cristina Osorio Vázquez, Hans Th.A. Bressers, María Laura Franco García

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterAcademicpeer-review

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Purpose - This paper analyses the implementation process of the Program of Productive Organization for Indigenous Women/Programa de Organización Productiva para Mujeres Indígenas (POPMI) in the Mayan region of southeastern Mexico. This is a federal program implemented by the National Commission for the Development of Indigenous People (CDI) which promoted, until 2014, female
entrepreneurship initiatives in the Yucatan Peninsula.\

Methodology - This evaluation study uses qualitative methodology of social research to collect information and Contextual Interaction Theory (CIT) to analyze data, emphasizing the motivations, cognitions and resources of the women who benefited from the program.

Findings - Although POPMI supported the creation of micro businesses among women, mostly associated in cooperatives, the research demonstrates some serious deficiencies in the implementation and effectiveness of this governmental program, occurring in the process of granting financial support, the execution of the business project and in the selection of beneficiaries. However, this program also served to promote self-esteem among the women and community recognition.

Originality/value – This study demonstrates the importance of increasing the level of dialogue between Mexican governmental representatives and society in an attempt to create public programs that fully benefit the population according to their culture and traditions regardless of their political affiliation.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationEl Desarrollo de ventajas competitivas en las organizaciones
EditorsFrancisco Gerardo Barrosa Tanoira, Roger Patrón Cortés, Raúl Alberto Santos Valencia
PublisherUniversidad del Mayab S.C.
ISBN (Print)978-607-8083-28-2
Publication statusPublished - 2019


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