Applying Generalized Non Deducibility on Compositions (GNDC) Approach in Dependability

S. Gnesi, G. Lenzini, F. Martinelli

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This paper presents a framework where dependable systems can be uniformly modeled and dependable properties analyzed within the Generalized Non Deducibility on Compositions (GNDC), a scheme that has been profitably used in definition and analysis of security properties. Precisely, our framework requires a systems to be modelled using a formal calculus, here the CCS process algebra, where both the failing behaviour of the system and the related fault-recovering procedures are also explicitly described. An environment able to inject any fault in the system is then defined as a separated component. The parallel composition between the system and the environment represents our scenario of analysis, where some fault tolerance property (e.g. fail stop, safe and silent) are studied as instances of GNDC properties. By using different instances of \gndc we are able to argue about the availability of effective methodologies of analysis, and on the possibility of applying compositional techniques.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)111-126
Number of pages16
JournalElectronic notes in theoretical computer science
Publication statusPublished - Aug 2004
Externally publishedYes
EventMEFISTO Project 2003 : Formal Methods for Security and Time - Pisa, Italy
Duration: 3 Nov 20035 Nov 2003


  • Dependability
  • Fault tolerance
  • Security
  • Non interference
  • Formal verification


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