Atomic H diffusion and C etching in multilayer graphene monitored using a y based optical sensor

Baibhav K. Mund, Olena Soroka, Jacobus M. Sturm*, Wesley T.E. van den Beld, Chris J. Lee, Fred Bijkerk

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In this work, the authors expose transferred multilayer graphene on a yttrium based hydrogen sensor. Using spectroscopic ellipsometry, they show that graphene, as well as amorphous carbon reference films, reduce diffusion of hydrogen to the underlying Y layer. Graphene and C are both etched due to exposure to atomic H, eventually leading to hydrogenation of the Y to YH2 and YH3. Multilayer graphene, even with defects originating from manufacturing and transfer, showed a higher resistance against atomic H etching compared to amorphous carbon films of a similar thickness.

Original languageEnglish
Article number051801
Number of pages6
JournalJournal of Vacuum Science and Technology B: Nanotechnology and Microelectronics
Issue number5
Early online date29 Jul 2019
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2019


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