Authenticating a tamper-resistant module in a base station router

H.G.P. Bosch (Inventor), M. Kraml (Inventor), Sape J. Mullender (Inventor), P. Polakos (Inventor), L.G. Samuel (Inventor)

    Research output: Patent


    The present invention provides a method involving a tamper-resistant module and an authentication server. The method includes receiving, at the tamper-resistant module, information encrypted using a first secret key stored in the authentication server. The method also includes authenticating the authentication server in response to decrypting the information using a second secret key stored in the tamper-resistant module.
    Original languageUndefined
    Patent numberUS20070271458
    Priority date22/11/07
    Publication statusSubmitted - 22 Nov 2007


    • EWI-11993
    • METIS-247063

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