Band switching for coherent beam forming in full-duplex wireless communication

H.G.P. Bosch (Inventor), Sape J. Mullender (Inventor)

    Research output: Patent


    Bidirectional wireless communication is advantageously achieved by using at least two frequency bands, wherein during a first time period a first one of the frequency bands is used for signal transmission (e.g., downlink) while a second one of the frequency bands is used for signal reception (e.g., uplink), and during a second time period (subsequent to the first time period) the first one of the frequency bands is used for signal reception (e.g., uplink) while the second one of the frequency bands is used for signal transmission (e.g., downlink). By alternating the use of the two frequency bands repeatedly between signal transmission and signal reception throughout the communication, overall communication efficiency is improved and latency times considerably reduced, particularly when implemented in a system having multiple antennas (i.e., antenna arrays) and employing coherent beam forming and antenna diversity.
    Original languageUndefined
    Patent numberUS20050243748
    Priority date3/08/06
    Publication statusSubmitted - 3 Aug 2006


    • METIS-237402
    • EWI-5276

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