Beyond the frontiers of education: How immersive media changes the way we learn

Max M. Louwerse, Marie Nilsenova-Postma, H. Anna T. van Limpt-Broers, Tycho T. de Back, Angelica M. Tinga, Maarten Horden

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Many studies have demonstrated that by embracing technological developments the quality of education improves, with evidence coming from virtual reality, serious gaming, and intelligent tutoring systems. In addition, by taking advantage of sensing technologies and learning analytics it becomes possible to monitor individual and group learning performance online and intervene when a student struggles, thus providing personalized education. However, immersive media offers an extra advantage, one that can affect many. Whereas in the past, educational technologies were implemented locally, within a school or school district, it has become conceivable to put new technological opportunities into effect worldwide. By taking advantage of cloud computing, 5G networks, and virtual reality headsets (or their proxies), it is now possible to deliver educational content that is developed anywhere in the world, everywhere in the world. The current paper describes what it takes to provide high quality education worldwide, given the existing hardware and software options, and illustrates these opportunities with the SpaceBuzz initiative and the accompanying educational program.
Original languageEnglish
Article number6
Number of pages10
JournalITU Journal: ICT Discoveries
Issue numberSpecial Issue 1
Publication statusPublished - 2020
Externally publishedYes


  • Artificial Intelligence (AI)
  • Education
  • Intelligent tutoring systems
  • Learning analytics
  • Serious gaming
  • Virtual Reality (VR)


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